ISTDP Patient Testimonials

For months, I had been pushing my friends and family away, dwelling on past mistakes and unresolved issues, and struggling with loneliness and anxiety about the future. Dr. Entis’s ISTDP approach helped me better understand unbefitting decisions I made in the past by pushing me to relive experiences and pay close attention to my feelings. I learned how, when, and why I put walls up with people and the disconnect it creates with others and within myself. As I practice listening to my feelings before making decisions, I feel consistently in control of my actions and I have significantly less anxiety. I whole-heartedly believe that Dr. Entis’s approach, in combination with his exceptional empathy, patience, and intelligence, is an unparalleled therapeutic experience.

A year ago, I was so, so unhappy and scared and numb all the time….A year later, I’ve taken control of an abusive relationship and cut my abuser out completely. I am noticeably more comfortably in myself, can open up and take risks and protect myself. I don’t know what would’ve happened to me if it weren’t for your therapy. I was really ready to make a change this year but this has surpassed my wildest expectations. You have irrevocably altered my life in huge, amazing waysand I feel strong enough to handle life and strong in a way that accepts my past instead of shutting it out. Your next patients are lucky to have you!

My anxiety has been pretty much nonexistent. I have been making a significant effort to recognize what I’m feeling and trying to not push feelings down. In the few times that I have started to become anxious, I have been able to tie it to my suppression of another strong emotion I was feeling. Once I made this connection, the anxiety seemed to just vanish. My anxiety related to my stomach issues have also subsided significantly...I really appreciate our work together and I truly am in a much better place because of it!